Set Your Area

You need to select your preferred area from the menu.

Select Your Perfect Offer

You can select your preferred offers according to your area

Register or Login

After selecting the offer, log on or sign in to our website. Choose your preferred mode of payment

Booking Success

Once the payment is confirmed, maids will arrive on your doorstep at your desired schedule

Download our Exclusive
App & Pick on the Go!

Scan QR Code or Click on link to go to store

Install Offer Maids App on your mobile device

Book and enjoy amazing offers every hour

Scan QR Code or Click on link to go to store

Install Offer Maids App on your mobile device

Book and enjoy amazing offers every hour

With our Android App, you will be able to browse through our services and book our maids for the services anytime on the go and pay.

Our iOS App lets you explore our services and features, schedule and book the maids for your cleaning and pay as well.


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